FT101 : Things to Read (6)
The Digital Banking Revolution
The Digital Banking Revolution: How financial technology companies are rapidly transforming the traditional retail banking industry through disruptive innovation
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Understanding The Indian Banking Sector - Part One : Basic Terminologies
Some basic terminologies that are often used in the Indian Banking operations, investor communications etc.
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Banking Sector in India: Market Size, Industry Analysis, Govt Initiatives | IBEF
Overview of Indian Banking Ecosystem
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Sitemap – YES BANK
Sitemap of YES Bank. Use it to understand customer segments, products, and channels
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Reserve Bank of India
Browse RBI Website to check reference rates and various notifications
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The Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FIMMDA is a voluntary market body for the bond, Money And Derivatives Markets. To function as the principal interface with the regulators on various issues that impact the functioning of these markets.